Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove [Collection]
Patch 3.3 (05 October 2017)
- New: The Battletoads join the fray! While playing as Shovel Knight, kick off this very special encounter by uncovering a double secret room in the Hall of Champions.
- New: Japanese language options added (Kanji and Kana).
- New: During end game credits, an icon will be displayed next to stages which have successfully had all checkpoints broken.
- New: Device detections and icons for Switch controllers (Pro Controller and Joy-Con) as well as Xbox One controllers.
- New: Mouse buttons can now be bound to gameplay actions. LMB, name it!
- Fix: PS4 controller now properly displays “Share” as Select, instead of incorrectly displaying the Touchpad icon.
- Fix: Teethalon sometimes moving slowly throughout the entire chase sequence.
- Fix: Incorrect fullscreen monitor displaying in the Options Menu.
- Fix: Player 2 resetting controller bindings to default would resets Player 1’s bindings as well.
- Fix: Using the number row to change relics in co-op would change both player’s active relic.
Shovel of Hope
- Fix: Alternating between Toad Armor and Dust Knuckles would create inconsistent punch flips.
- Fix: Completing the game with no items collected would round up to a 1% item completion. It should now display 0%.
- Fix: Playing certain songs at the Bard resulting in erroneous playback when transitioning indoors or underground.
- Fix: Aerial Mobile Gear could be interrupted by Tinker wrench.
- Fix: Initially unable to use subweapons during battle with Mr. Hat.
- Fix: Crash would occur when changing a single Body Swap setting for a boss, failing at that boss, and then revisiting the encounter.
- Fix: Respawn point drifting farther back during many repeated deaths at the Hall of Champions boss.
- Fix: Bugs in certain lines of dialogue while playing and changing settings in Body Swap mode.
- Fix: Crash when changing Body Swap settings for only a single Boss, while fighting that Boss, falling in battle, and then retrying the encounter.
- Fix: Minor text error when changing game’s language under certain Body Swap conditions while on the Level Map.
- Fix: Random armor cheat sometimes resulting in an unusable armor set.
- Various improvements made to co-op play.
- Various text fixes for Body Swap mode.
- Various improvements made to Battletoads encounter and rewards.
Plague of Shadows
- Fix: Rematch: Shovel Knight alchemy power meter never fully refilling.
- Fix: Erroneous screen transition when falling into the right most pit in the final anchor room of Iron Whale.
- Fix: Liquid Samurai could be pushed off ceilings by Vat arcana.
- Fix: Plague being invisible and immobile when caught in a double KO with the final boss.
- Fix: Failing to defeat Black Knight on the world map could sometimes lead to multiple encounters occupying the same space.
- Fix: Shadow blocks being destroyed by having an orbit bomb active during the penultimate boss battle.
Specter of Torment
- Fix: Curio Upgrade menu can now be advanced with the Start button, similar to other menus that don’t use Start for another action.
- Fix: Using Cold Shoulder after a certain dancing scene would pause the animation (the coldest of shoulders).
- Fix: Specific timing would enable movement while still in a nearby shop after speaking with Red.
- Fix: Defeating Tinker Knight very, very fast with cheats resulting in unintended behavior.
- Fix: Being killed by Propeller Knight moments before a phase change would bring Specter back with no health.
- Fix: Reize would appear incorrectly when defeated mid-teleport.
- Fix: Plague Knight would sometimes appear without contact damage active after a teleport.
- Fix: Performing a unique pose in a certain armor set is now duplicated by Blood Mirror (Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!)
- Fix: Getting hit right when beginning a rail grind would cancel out death.
- Fix: Specter Knight losing active attack frames when releasing a charged slash at the very end of a rail.
- Fix: Starting Black Knight, Phantom Striker, or Treasure Knight with Skeleton Sniper or active lantern flames causing erroneous behavior.
- Fix: Luan jumps prioritized better when backtracking through a room.
- Change: Adjusted visibility of certain background tiles found in Tower and Flying Machine stages.
- Various localization and menu prompt spacing fixes.
- Improvements to keyboard key icons so they take up less space.
Patch 3.0A (05 April 2017)
- New: The "Shovel Knight" game, with all character campaigns and modes included, is now "Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove"
- New: Specter of Torment is now available! Enjoy an entirely new prequel adventure starring the shadowy scythe spinner himself!
- New: Specter of Torment Challenges! Clear the game as Specter Knight to unlock.
- New: Sound Test is now available! Sound Test will be unlocked for each campaign after they have been cleared.
- New: The original Shovel Knight campaign is now referred to as Shovel of Hope.
- New: Body Swap Mode is now available in Shovel of Hope!
- New: Local Co-op is now available in the Shovel of Hope campaign!
- New: Five additional Plague of Shadows challenges have been added. Hit the books and brush up on your alchemical knowledge.
- Fix: Challenge clear being interrupted by goo bounce in certain challenge states
- New cheats have been added.
- Additional controller support.
- Various bugfixes across the game.
- Various localization and text improvements.
- Various changes across the game for displaying Treasure Trove, Specter of Torment, and Shovel of Hope.
- Change: “Saving” prompt has been reduced in size.
- Change (Shovel/Plague): The wandering encounter Reize will no longer cross over into the second tier of stages if the game time is below 25 minutes...
Update 2.4(A) (22 March 2017)
- Added support for Cloud Saves in GOG Galaxy 1.2 and newer
Patch 2.4 (24 August 2016)
- New languages supported! Russian and Brazilian Portuguese are now selectable!
- Text and formatting fixes across Shovel Knight and Plague Knight campaigns.
- Additional controller support.
- Fix: Secret title screen code not working when confirm/cancel is swapped.
- Fix: Calibrate Screen Gamma fix when confirm/cancel switched
- Fix: Improvements for text replacement cheats.
- Fix: Challenge “Extendo Retractro” having inconsistent platform timing.
- Fix: Can no longer pause while game is transitioning.
- Fix: Specter Knight sometimes floating offscreen during banquet battle intro.
- Fix: Enchantress dialogue line not being readable. Enchantress no longer interrupts her own dialogue during the to the battle entrance.
- Fix: Tinker Knight Boss reveal will now wait until the player is on screen.
- Fix: Moving platforms can no long push pickups in a way that they move infinitely in one direction
- Fix: Saving text background now visible on same frame as text
- Fix: Tinker Knight being able to be hit during intro.
- Fix: Can no longer slide off catapult before it launches you
- Fix: Sometimes being able to escape Specter Knight boss fight.
- Fix: Plague Knight specific cheats will no longer activate unless Plague Knight is unlocked.
- Fix: Hoppicles can no longer fall through platforms
- Fix: Single checkpoint cheat not working
- Fix: Lava fish now die in water if fished out. They also die if on land for too long.
- Fix: Can no longer bind the same button to multiple actions. Added a visual effect when attempting to bind a button already used by another action.
- Fix: Can no longer open inventory during challenge mode bosses intro
- Fix: Enemy larger cheat fixes for Tinker Knight and Remnant of Fate
- Fix: Autoscroll with invincibility cheats creating soft locks.
- Fix: Teethalon can no longer be hurt while offscreen
- Fix: [Shovel] Striking Plague Knight's vat once again has blocking knockback.
- Fix: [Shovel] Can no longer hit campfire during dream. I guess this would be considered sleep shovelling?
- Fix: [Shovel] The Big Creep’s health sometimes still being active after defeat
- Fix: [Shovel] The Big Creep spawning issues when activating lights and transitioning rooms simulataneously
- Fix: [Shovel] Player now turns to face the The Big Creep during bosds intro. It’s not that kind of ghost!
- Fix: [Shovel] Ghosts being hit during cutscene in Hall of Champions
- Fix: [Shovel] Served but not yet eaten food from the Gastronomer will still waiting at the Village when you begin New Game+. Leftovers+?
- Fix: [Shovel] Can now earn the Sparker feat on Black Knight, Mr. Hat, Reize, Baz, and Phantom Striker.
- Fix: [Shovel] Well Met Feat now requires Mr. Hat to be defeated as well.
- Fix: [Shovel] Striking Boss Plague Knight's vat as Shovel Knight once again has blocking knockback.
- Fix: [Shovel] Flare Wander Feat no longer unlocks when hitting a block.
- Fix: [Shovel] Super Sphere Feat sometimes unlocking from objects that were not hit by Chaos Orb.
- Fix? [Shovel] Dolly will now discuss her interest in purchasing a beret at Mr. Hat’s Fancy Shop instead of a brooch! Immersion maintained.
- Fix: [Shovel] Visual frame sync issue with the mobile gear
- Fix: [Plague] Alchemy Shop sometimes displayed improperly formatted text.
- Fix: [Plague] Entering the Alchemy shop quickly no longer makes input invalid
- Fix: [Plague] Being able longer throw bombs in between boss fights in banquet battle
- Fix: [Plague] Tinker Knight Boss works better with the Sentry Fuse
- Fix: [Plague] Temporarily unable to move if using the vat during exactly during a screen transition.
- Fix: [Plague] Hall of Champion Guards can no longer be hit during dialogue
- Fix: [Plague] Can no longer talk to Troupple King while standing on a Vat
- Fix: [Plague] Village screen transition loop improved
- Fix: [Plague] Hall of champions erroneously taking 1000 gold when re-entering.
- Fix: [Plague] Blowing up Hedge Pupil’s house and leaving the screen breaking the game
- Fix: [Plague] Sometimes being able to jump or use relics when input is disabled
- Fix: [Plague] Bosses not resetting the state of the Bomb Jump Blitz Feat. It should now possible to earn while retrying a boss or when fighting multiple bosses in a row.
Patch 2.2.1 (28 January 2016)
- New: [Plague] Mail Minion will now read a letter to you which includes all sorts of neat stats.
- New: [Plague] Minion can now appear within Plains of Passage to explain how to perform a bomb burst in case you’re stuck!
- New: [Plague] Shovel Knight’s Secret Palette Cheats now work when playing as Plague Knight (Plague uses #1-16, SK uses #1-32)
- New: Added options to swap confirm/back buttons. Options -> Controls -> Confirm/Back
- Adjustment: [Plague] vs Propeller Knight has been tuned to be less difficult.
- Adjustment: [Plague] Alchemy menu is slightly faster to open, close, and select items.
- Adjustment: Swapped the design of two rooms within the Plains of Passage while playing as Plague Knight.
- Adjustment: Important: Game-Changer: Megaton: Can now stand on the roof of all houses in the Village.
- Fix: Pickups which overlap the player sometimes not being picked up until moving away and back again.
- Fix: Autoscrolls sometimes incorrectly crush player when moving near the edge of the screen.
- Fix: Moving spiked ceiling in Tower of Fate: Ascent not colliding as spikes.
- Fix: No longer able to jump right after triggering a catapult warp.
- Fix: [Shovel] Jump cancelling Dust Knuckles on hit only results in a double jump if you are above the ground. Characters with no air jumps can never air jump.
- Fix: [Shovel] Fixed possible lock-up when Plague Knight summons vats. Occurrence chance was particularly higher on Mac and Linux platforms
- Fix: [Shovel] Can once again bounce off Plague Knight’s summoned vats.
- Fix: [Plague] 2nd part of Boss no longer kills player if offscreen.
- Fix: [Plague] Staff of Surging Arcana no longer goes through vertical crushing ceilings/floors when crushed.
- Fix: Minor option menu fixes.
- Fix: [Plague] Lock up when defeating Mole Knight when Mole Knight is hiding in the wall.
- Fix: [Plague] Health display inconsistencies when upgrading health while maxed out on health tonics.
- Fix: [Plague] Platters dropping incorrect health, magic, and tonics during Tower 2’s Banquet Battle.
- Fix: Re-added some missing treasure in the first enemy map encounter
- Fix: Player can collect pickups while in chest open surprise animation.
- Fix: The Iron Man 2014 Cheat is back in service! Just enter IM&SGC14 on the profile screen to compete for the highest score in The Lost City. Plague Knight can now take on this challenge with the help of his Treasure Trappings!
- Fix: Uncollected Cipher Coins revealed from dirt blocks not re-appearing if moving to a different screen before collecting.
- Fix: Reize will drop song scroll center screen if he ends up too far to the screen edge.
- Fix: [Plague] Money bags being caught off screen if he fell down the right-most pit during Propeller Knight’s battle
- Fix: [Plague] Mr. Hat sometimes appearing off his mark during post-credits.
- Fix: [Plague] Smoke bomb and Treasure Knight chest capture bug.
- Fix: [Plague] Stuck dancing at The Potionarium when using certain Cheats in Plague Knight’s campaign.
- Fix: Minor text improvements across all languages.
Patch 2.01 (24.09.2015)
- Black Knight now always spawns. Even if another wandering encounter was previously occupying his map node.
- Old Shovel Knight profiles saved before clearing the Flying Machine are no longer stuck on that node.
- Fixed minor text errors in various languages.
- Treasure Knight’s anchor no longer travels through walls in certain edge cases.
- Treasure Knight’s chest can no longer be broken by certain special attacks.
- Clearing to the Explodatorium last (out of the 3 possible Tier 2 stages) no longer skips the Potionarium cutscene (and therefore it is no longer possible to miss the health upgrade).
- Item completion totals should now add up to 100%.
- Spending all Cipher Coins no longer removes Cipher Coin collection information from the Inventory’s Gear Tab.
- Cipher Coin count is now accurate when checking inventory in the Plains of Passage.
- Binding two separate attack buttons no longer allows Plague Knight to throw bombs while bomb charging.
- Equipping the Ward Robe and using Berserker's Brew Arcana no longer cause unintended knockback.
- Using Vat Arcana on the same frame as falling through downward screen transition no longer causes Plague Knight to hang in place.
- Title screen codes can now be activated with the menu’s arrow keys in addition to the bound in-game directions.
- End credits characters all appear in front of the houses.
- Dying while also defeating The Enchantress no longer causes a non-progression.
- Fast cheat now doesn’t run you past Armory cutscene.
- Cheating your way to clear the second Black Knight still results in Percy showing up at the Potionarium..
- Always dancing cheat no longer breaks certain cutscenes.
- Fixed challenge mode restart issues when using legacy vsync settings.
- Fixed double Shovel Knight’s appearing in the Banquet Hall when playing with legacy vsync settings
- Cursor now hides once again when placed over the game window.
Patch 2.0 (17.09.2015)
- Plague Knight is now playable! Clear the game as Shovel Knight to unlock.
- Challenge Mode is now available! Clear the game as Shovel Knight to unlock.
- Plague Knight challenge modes are ready to take on! Clear the game as Plague Knight to unlock.
- All new Feats/Achievements for Plague Knight's campaign.
- Victory cinematics and end-game credits can now be skipped by pressing the Start button.
- Change: Feats Menu has been re-designed to support multiple characters.
- Change: Relic Quick Select is now enabled by default when starting the game for the first time on systems that do not support second screens.
- Fix: Rapidly using the fire wand no longer causes both fireballs to collide with one another.
- Fix: Using certain weapons when transitioning to a boss encounter causing issues
- Fix: “Boom!”, “Flying Feat” - No longer unlocks when used to defeat projectiles.
- "Get The Point" feat description changed to indicate that the level needs to be completed too!
- New: Collectible totals can now be checked on the Level Map by pressing Select while on a stage. Displays Song Scrolls and for Plague Knight: Cipher Coins. For Shovel Knight: this menu is only unlocked after having cleared the final stage.
- For Speedy Knights: Wandering encounters on the Level Map will not encroach on the Village if playtime is less than 14 minutes.
- Fix: Options menu sometimes not showing that a controller was present
- Performance improvements (~20% @ 1080p)
- Fix: DPI scaling in Windows
- Fix: Gameplay inconsistencies while playing with vsync disabled. Adding a new vsync option "legacy" which maintains the previous versions "off" behavior.
- New: Moddable post processing!
Patch 1.2.3B (17.09.2015)
- Fix: Unable to enter bindings menu with a controller while another device is detected as disconnected in slot zero. Pretty common with Bluetooth devices.
- Fix: Mac bindings for Retrobit NES USB adapter didn’t include dpad.