Patch 1.1.55 (09 April 2020)
- The update features new stories, cars and improved controller support. Here is the full list of changes:
- Fixed boss duplication bug after save load in boss fight.
- Fixed bug that not removes rocks and cliffs from new previous combat
- Fixed bug that player can move of the map with controller
- Fixed Graphics explosions of MCV rockets
- Improved the UI for better controller support
- Added adaptif glyph for controller actions (Xbox and PS4 controllers supported)
- Added controller support to the tutorial
- Achievements can now be selected with the controller
- Overall stability fixes
Patch 1.1.54 (06 March 2019)
- Added controller support! Game can now be fully played with common x-input controllers.
- Added several new vehicles that can be obtained in encounters.
- Added over 25 new encounters!
- Added a new main objective.
- Reworked several old encounters and objectives to better fit the game in general.
- Several minor bug fixes
Patch 1.1.53 (07 February 2019)
- Fixed performance in boss battle
- Fixed cartrails not starting correctly.
- Fixed audio lag.
- Fixed performance issue with new shaders (Reverted to old ones) should increase performance on older machines.
- Fixed Aspect ratio issue with ui getting out of screen.
- Found performance problem with pixel perfect and camera shake. (Disable either one will increase performance)
- Added the option to disable pixel perfect again in the options menu.
Patch 1.1.52 (03 January 2019)
- Updated the Unity engine from v4 to v2017.
- Fixed performance UI.
- Fixed problems with higher or unusual resolutions.
- Fixed an issue with lethal objects not being removed on end of combat.
- Fixed a broken part of the Omni-directional Booster mainquest.
- Removed the option Pixel Perfect from the options menu.
- Added post processing effects.
- Added an option to disable post processing effects.
- Added key binding options.
- Added 14 new scenarios.
- Added 1 new car with 4 variations.
- Added more road details like bushes and rocks.
Patch 1.1.51 (09 February 2016)
- This is a small update containing some minor fixes for the scenario editor.
Patch 1.1.5 (09 February 2016)
- Changed the way GameStats.xml is written. It should now only write to the file when the game is saved instead of every time a value is changed.
- This greatly reduces how often the file is accessed which caused some virus scanners to flag the file as a possible threat, and/or caused virus scanners to scan (and lock) the file, while the game tried to access it. When the game was unable to access the file, this caused all kinds of strange issues other bugs, as well as possible crashes.
Patch 1.1.4 (07 October 2015)
Mod tools:
- Fixed pressing enter in some locations giving errors
- Fixed editor giving wrong error reports when searching files
- Added "open mod folder" button in the mod manager
- Adjusted the way scenerios get loaded, allowing modders to override existing ones
- Fixed a bug causing achievements to reset on the DRM-Free Windows build
Patch 1.1.2 (26 June 2015)
- Tutorial has been fixed and should work as intended.
- Screen resolution check for very wide-screen or high resolution monitors has been adjusted. Users with issues playing full screen or bordered should be happy now!
- Ingame esc-menu options sliders should now all stick to integers.
- We've made another effort in pinpointing the Access Denied to StatsData.xml error some people have experienced. Again, this is no guaranteed fix and we have some more ideas, but this may help.
Patch 1.1.1 (18 June.2015)
- 30 new scenarios have been added, including a new main objective!
- Scenario and unit editor unitypackage has been added in the game root folder
- Adjusted description of several items to better match their functionality.
- Changed volume values in SETTINGS.ini from float to int
- An issue with Linux version crashing on launch for some users should have been resolved
- Added a possible fix for issues where created .xml save and stats files could not be accessed by some users.
- Shield Mk IV now has the correct name
- DRM-Free/Fallback achievements handler should now show an achievement being unlocked only once.