Shadow Warrior 2
Patch (19 February 2018)
- Holiday patch is being rolled back. You can still access "Master Wang, please save the Christmas!" mission by using a snowglobe placed right under the TV set in Wang Cave
Patch (21 December 2017)
- Lo Wang's home now looks like it should when the snow falls.
- Special winter mission is now available in the game world after killing the first boss.
- Help Lo Wang save Christmas! Get messy with Krampus the Bad Santa and win a unique weapon!
Patch (23 August 2017)
The Bounty Hunt - Part 2 DLC
- adds weapons Chill Factor and TBSM (Tactical Bullet Spewing Machine)
- adds three new perks
- adds thirteen new missions
Patch (17 March 2017)
The Bounty Hunt - Part 1 DLC
- Fourteen new bounty missions that can be found in Wang's Cave on a bounty board
- Two new weapons: Medusa gun and EX-GF01 minigun
- Four new perks
- It's free!
Gameplay fixes:
- Fixed problems with "Healer Star" amulet
- Fixed Ice Nova crash
- Fixed weapon damage exploit using Fire Rate gems
- Upgrade Spawn fix
- Fixed weapon attachments for idle yakuza
- Added pad layouts
- Fixed possible inventory crashes
- Fixed damage indicators for future weapons
- Fixed explodable damage indicators
Engine fixes:
- Improved physics performance
Multiplayer fixes:
- Enemies now regenerate HP after client dies
- Fixed cutscene display for client when he was in hub after triggering it
- Quest vending machines can be destroyed by client
- Fixed a problem with a VFX display for clients when yakuza was firing uzi or cyber uzi
Patch (31 January 2017)
- It's Payday time for Lo Wang! Two Payday 2 weapons are available in Larry's shop for free that go in pair with a new multiplayer skin. Suit up and put on a classic Payday Dallas mask for some coop action!
Gameplay fixes:
- Added new reload animations for full clip
- Fixed a quest barrier persisting for client who joined during gameplay
- Fixed explodable damage indicators
- Enemies now regenerate HP after client dies
- Fixed damage future weapons damage indicators
- Fixed coop issues with Crampus giftbag
- Fixed cutscene display for client when he was in hub after triggering it
- Fixed game difficulty displayed on server list
- Intel graphics card crash fix
- Radeon graphics card crash fix
Patch (31 January 2017)
Christmas Quest
- Winter has come and gone.
Gameplay fixes:
- Fixed blocking weapon after interrupting climbing on ladder by starting a cutscene.
- Fixed sprint speed after zoom and cutscenes
- Fixed hands animation after releasing teleport button.
- Fixed a hud issue caused by interrupting a teleport by cutscene in multiplayer.
- Fixed enemy navigation in challenge levels
- Fixed various audio issues on levels
- Fixed objects hovering in mid-air in certain conditions
- Fixed various issues with spawning enemies
- Fixed various issues with objects in cutscenes
- Fixed lightning issues on levels
- Fixed various collision issues on levels
- Evil rabbit spawn fix.
- The friendly Crawler in the hub got a new mask and a new name
- Certain Champions have invested in stronger bodyguards in order to hold off the Wangpocalypse
Patch (22 December 2016)
- fixed an issue with the damage indicators for Force Slash.
Patch (21 December 2016)
- Fixed a bug with Ameonna exploding if killed with Fist of Gozu.
- Fixed damage display on enemies for clients
Patch (21 December 2016)
- Added new quest in which Lo Wang needs to save Christmas!
- Added gem filtering
- Fixed inventory hang bug
- Added option for cancelling conversations using "Escape" on keyboard or "B button" on gamepad
- Fixed calculating multiline label size
- Added hiding client hud after a challange
- Fixed gem crafting exploit
- Fixed an issue with embedding elemental gems
- Fixed an input bug that could occur after dying in challenges while in menus
- Fixed crafting gems that are restricted to weapons
- Various stability fixes
- Fixed a possible crash after using explosive bolts
Photo mode:
- Fixed "Lock in first person" screenshots
- Fixed "screenshot" command in photo mode
- Fixed exposure increasing
Gameplay fixes:
- Slight improvements to double jump
- Fixed teleporting after loading bug
- Weapon history fixes
Patch (08 December 2016)
The Way of The Wang includes:
- Seven Brutal Trials
- New Crafting Modes
- Infuse Gem - merge gem with weapon, available after finishing two Trials of Infusion
- Purify Gem - remove negative stats from gem, available after finishing two Trials of Purification
- Embed Gem - upgrade base weapon stats, available after finishing two Trials of Embedding
- New Weapon: Fist of Gozu. Finish Trial of the Ancient God to receive this powerful weapon
- Five New Achievements
- Three new difficulty Tiers for Insane difficulty
Updates Include:
Photo mode:
- Fixed photo mode camera orientation reset when changing fov
Engine fixes:
- Fixed 'Saved Games' relocation
- Corrected blade intersection test
- Fixed missing shadows after changing a map or weather
- Gamepad sensitivity curve adjustments
Gameplay fixes:
- Fixed blob transformation when he is electrocuted
- Fixed Warlord force slash bug
- Fixed incorrect Vanish behavior
- 'Plasmoid' camera clipping fixed
- Pickup item disappearing on hard landing fixed
- Alt weapon ammo counter fixed
- Mech: fix for minigun and grenades killing other enemies
- Fixes for places where player could get stuck
- Added missing minimaps
- Fixed 'Second Chance' skill trigger on Blob transformation
- Various audio fixes
Multiplayer fixes:
- Fixed rotation of some quest items
- Fixed damage caused effects for other co-op players
- Fixed a bug where co-op partners get level up while still in loading process
- Fixed disappearing weapon after cutscenes in some circumstances
- Some optimizations
- Fixed quest sword not showing up for clients
- Fixed barrier not spawning when fighting the last boss
- Fixed a situation in which client is blocked in hub after he is teleported to a cutscene from active mission
- Fixed chi and health not regenerating while in hub for client that teleporting to a cutscene
- Fixed client spawning outside of temple when dying during the fight with acolytes
- Fixed a possibility for a client to be forcibly teleported to a level from hub
- Fixed quest giver Kamiko not spawning for clients in hub area
- Fixed client block on 018kmh after last cutscene
- Fixed door sigil for clients
- Fixed taking damage from neutral opponents
- Fixed anvil not showing for clients
- Fixed Kamiko's spikes remaining on map for clients
- Fixed an issue with client seeing closed vault doors after he joined during a cutscene
- Levels of other players are visible on their avatars
- Players will get notifications via multiplayer chat about teammate's death, level up, connecting and disconnecting
Patch (10 November 2016)
Balance and gameplay changes:
- Boss spider: on higher difficulty HP will be restored only up to phase-related tiers.
- Boss spider: fix for lack of stomps during movement.
UI changes:
- Added Multiplayer Chat
- Browsing a list in the equipment menu will now stop when reaching topmost or bottommost item on the list.
- Added an option to skip prologue when starting New Game Plus
- Orbs of Masamune count will be displayed only after picking them up for the first time
- Fixed a crash with entering the inventory while dropping a turret weapon
- Weapon Selection Circle now supports inverted mouse, improved mouse selection acuracy
- 'Resume game' will no longer be grayed out when using controller
- Normalized aim responsiveness for controller
Engine fixes:
- Fixed refraction
- Compressed audio files / sound stutter fix
- Fixed shadow flickering
Photo mode:
- Editable text boxes
- Fixed screenshot saving issue for non-unicode languages in Windows.
- Fixed slow-mo effect and mouse speed when entering photo mode while performing Vortex attack
- Added 'Sharpen' option in photo mode
- Added 'DoF strength' option in photo mode
- Added 'Lock first person camera' option in photo mode
Multiplayer fixes:
- Fixed being stuck on menu screen when dying
- Fixed Marvin special rabbit proc
- Fixed Second Chance perk
- Fixed a blocker when players sometimes got stuck when using a vendor and teleported to a boss fight.
- Fixed Vanish being cast on host when a client used Blade of Exile
- Fixed interacting with vendors for co-op partners
- Fixed a situation in which client could lose a deployed turret weapon after disconnection / leaving the game
- Fixed host crashing when a client leaves game after using a turret weapon
- Fixed recovering multiple turrets in multiplayer mode
- Fixed a cutscene for clients in "Ninja'd Scrolls - Part 1" quest
- Client turret will now consume ammo
- Fixed the disappearing portal for co-op partners in "Big Trouble in Calamity" quest
- Fixed lack of music in main menu after disconnecting from co-op game
- Fixed gates for co-op partners in "Big Trouble in Calamity" quest
- Fixed several stability issues
- Fixed players gaining/losing movement speed
- Fixed acquiring Blade of Exile by co-op partners
- Fixed rotation of quest items for co-op partners
- Fixed disappearing minimap icon of shrines
Gameplay fixes:
- Fixed bug where player cannot gain Karma after reaching character level 95
- Fixed potential blocker while fighting Belly
- Fixed places in the Hub where player could get stuck
- Fixed weapon being transparent after it was used as a turret during Vanish and later picked up after Vanish ended
- Fixed hold RMB to channel healing
- Fixed auto weapon change when out of ammo.
- Fixed client climbing cancel on cutscene launch
- Fixed weapon autochange after running out of ammo for manual detonator and laser guidance gems
- Fixed places where player can get stuck
- Fixed a rare issue with katana force slash crashing the game.
- Fixed door opening in Yakuza Mansion
- Fixed enemy Herculon not attacking after loosing an arm
- Enemy navigation fixes
- Fixed enemy Hammerhead behavior after losing left arm
- Fixed weak spot achievement for melee weapons
- Fixed issues with enemies using 'harpoon'
- Fixed Ancient Goddess Ameonna hp bar on death
- Fixed sending sound signal from explosions
Patch (26 october 2016)
Balance and gameplay changes:
- Increased cap for experience gained on all difficulties
- Added a significant bonus for experience gained on difficulties higher than normal
- Slightly decreased large and special enemies' HP on difficulties higher than normal
- Added negative stats cap for high level upgrades
- The number of auras for a single enemy is capped to 1 on difficulties below 'Insane tier 2'
- Base physical resist lowered. This change affects all difficulty levels
- After finishing missions for the second time, instead of Skill Points the player now receives a powerful new currency called 'Orbs of Masamune'. The number of Orbs depends on the difficulty level. A new set of violent challenges will be added to the game soon. Players finishing these challenges will be able to imbue Smith's Anvil with power to greatly improve weapon stats. Orbs of Masamune will play crucial role in this proccess.
- Crafting option is now available always after a player unlocks it in the first playthrough
- Items in shops unlocked by story progress are now available always after a player unlocks them on the first playthrough
UI changes:
- Added descriptions for Insane difficulty tiers
Engine fixes:
- Fixed a crash on startup - mobile AMD GPUs
- Fixed key bindings
- NVIDIA Multi-Res - fixed chromatic aberration
- NVIDIA Multi-Res - fixed particle lights
- Fixed hitching on weapon change
- Fixed NVIDIA Surround crash
- NVIDIA Surround now works in fullscreen window mode
- Fixed photomode UI when NVIDIA Surround or AMD Eyefinity is enabled
Multiplayer fixes:
- Fixed the shop menu not being closed when client is teleported to a boss fight
- Ancestral Ties: Fixed panic room door not being destroyed after cutscene
- Ancestral Ties: Fixed Heika being stuck in one pose after a client joined the game
- Fixed portal visibility before defeating the first boss
- Minimap chest icons will not disappear when the host opens them
- Fixed performance issue for co-op partners
Patch (21 October 2016)
Balance and gameplay changes:
- "Serene Mind" skill nerfed
- "Auto-Reload" skill nerfed
- "Like the Wind skill" nerfed, 5th stage added
- "Second Chance" skill 4th stage added
- "Arm of Orochi" weapon significantly nerfed
- More auras on single enemy for Hard and Insane difficulties
- More enemies attacking at the same time for Hard and Insane difficulties
- Enemies speed increased for Insane difficulty
- Added 3 new ultra-difficult tiers for Insane difficulty with much better loot to find
- Upgrade drops quality now better reflects game difficulty - on higher difficulties better drops start occuring right from the beginning of the playthrough
- Added cap for gaining experience speed for every difficulty: after reaching certain character level player gets experience much slower, appropriate information added to difficulty description
- Fixed bug when player could get quest reward Skill Points more than once per quest per character. If character earned more than maximum number of Skill Points (level + all quests reward) - Skill Points will be capped
- Due to skills rebalance player will have all skill reset after map loaded - inventory will be automatically opened and message box will be shown
- Crafting result upgrade quality depends on source upgrades quality now, crafting price depends on expected result quality
- Final boss drop ("Ryuken" weapon) now available as final quest reward
- More special enemies, more respawns and better loot on Free Roam missions
- Elite and Superior enemy "Hellhound" won't fetch grenades now
General fixes:
- Fixed bug when player could pickup "King Skelletor" weapon before designed mission
- Gauss rifle shot tuned down and smoothed, added alternative reload animation
- Fixed bug when dual melee secondary weapon didn't inherit primary weapon stats (elemental, damage etc)
- Fixed weapon being removed from inventory when spawned as turret on map change
- Fixed "Destroyer of Realms" weapon turret throw animation
- "Damage resist" player stat now works properly
- Fixed "Second Chance" skill bug when player couldn't die even if none enemy was killed
- Fixed bug when player frezees or looses weapon when damaged or killed during teleporting
- Enemies with "Swift" aura now return to correct speed after unfreezing
- Fixed "Belly" enemy animation when reacting to Grip of Darkness
- Fixed entering T-pose for enemies with uzi.
- Some cutscene fixes
- Some walkmesh fixes
- Some missions fixes
UI changes and fixes:
- Fixed crash when replacing gems in weapons
- Fixed bug when player couldn't replace gem when all slots were occupied
- Hint area on loading screen now resizes correctly
- Added option to sell all junks with mouse, added confirmation dialog
- Corrected various translation and textual errors, added missing strings
- Fixed enemy "Tumor" mesh in Wanglopedia.
Multiplayer fixes:
- Performance issue for co-op partners fixed
- Fixed bug when "Bunny Lord" didn't drop loot for clients
- Co-op network bandwidth usage optimizations
- Fixed bug when using "Emperor's Touch" weapon produced excessive lags
- Fixed issue when client was not able to open Inventory or change weapons when using teleport during (or directly before) cutscene
Engine fixes:
- Fixed bug when game freezes on loading on 2-core CPUs
- AlienFX is now by default disabled due to crashes on some configs (add -alienfx to properties->general->set launch options in order to enable it)
- Added -nochroma switch (add -nochroma to properties->general->set launch options in order to disable Razer Chroma)
- Fixed shadow and geometry flickering
- Fixed recovering from GPU driver crash
- Non persistent console commands (e.g. r_weapon_fov) can now be loaded from autoexec.cfg
- Fixed crash when mfplat.dll is not present in system
- Optimized weapon switching CPU performance
- Fixed "DX11 Device not found" error on some notebooks
- HDR Display options are now only available when Full-Screen mode is selected (as only in this mode HDR Display works)
- Reduced audio stuttering (VO and music)
- Optimized shadow rendering performance
- On first game start dedicated GPU will be enabled instead of an integrated one
Photomode fixes:
- Increased exposure slider range
- Fixed slowmo after exiting photomode bug
- Fixed screenshot rendering (tile mode and anti-aliasing)
- Fixed FOV when entering photomode with weapon zoom enabled
- Fixed tiled screenshot mode artifacts (screenshot resolution multiplier > 1 screenshots)
Patch (16 October 2016)
- Fixed game stuck on loading on second level on 2 core CPUs without HT
- Fixed crash on gem swap in weapons
- Restored NVIDIA Multi-Res option for non EN languages
Patch (15 October 2016)
- Fixed save
- Fixed cutscene FOV, when playing with non standard FOV
- Fixed game stuck on loading on 2 core CPUs
- Added safe mode (add -safe to properties->general->set launch options) in order to fix startup crashes on some configurations
- Added option to disable alienfx (add -noalienware to properties->general->set launch options) in order to fix startup crashes on some configurations
- Added option to disable videos (add -novideos to properties->general->set launch options) in order to fix startup crashes on some configurations
- Fixed PAX MP avatar skin
- Fixed weapon select menu blur constantly rendering on screen, even when weapon select menu is hidden
- Added HDR Display Brightness slider
- Fixed co-op bug, which in rare cases could corrupt saves
- Added lobby filtering by difficulty and player level
- Added list of previous saves, so in case of corrupted save you can load previous one
- Localization fixes
- Fixed hitching of intro movie
- UI improvements: Allow replace gem inserted in weapon
- Fixed AlienFX crash on startup on some configurations
- Fixed corrupted saves bug