Legend of Kay: Anniversary

Internal Update (4 June 2018)

Patch 1.0.3 (27th November 2015)

Integration of Graphic Options Menu

Patch v.1.0.2 (09.07.2015)

New functionality

New graphic options menu.

Screen Mode:
Fullscreen - starts in exclusive fullscreen mode. Use Alt + Enter to switch forth and back to windowed mode Borderless - starts as fullscreen borderless window (default). A lot less error prone than Fullscreen Window - starts as window. Use Alt + Enter to switch forth and back to exclusive fullscreen mode

Please note that you must restart the application after changing screen mode.

Render Resolution:
200% / 100% / 50% - Quality of the 3d rendering. Higher numbers require more GPU horsepower

Environment details :
high / low / off - Detail objects like grass require considerable GPU and CPU resources. Adjust if you experience performance problems.

Anisotropic filtering:
high / low / off - Increase for sharper textures. The effect is small, but requires significant more GPU resources. Adjust if you have available GPU resources.

on / off - fxaa full screen antialiasing, removes many visible jaggies.
Switch off if you experience performance problems.

on / off - synchronize the rendering with vertical blank. Experiment if you experience performance problems, but set to 'on' for smoother movement.

Adjust for your viewing conditions.

The options (besides brightness) are stored in a configuration file at %appdata%/kaiko/legendofkay/config.ini, if the file does not exist, the application creates it.
If you have created such a file already to configur an earlier version of the game, your settings will be kept.
Please note that using [graphic]/sceneResolution overrides the new Render Resolution setting. Experiment with the new setting by removing [graphic]/sceneResolution from the config.ini with a text editor. The new option should yield good results in many cases.

Bug fixes

A critical problem with keys was fixed. Leaving the crocodile temple scenario with keys in the inventory blocked players from continueing because the key was erased. Some broken savedatas are repaired by the fix and keys are no longer erased in this situation.

When using wide render resolutions (wider than 16:9), the camera chooses a better zoom level now, so even very wide screen setups above 21:9 can be used. Please not that there is a known issue with UI scaling for very wide screen setups that is not fixed yet.