Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Patch 2.002 (26 April 2018)
- Factions will react if you try to connect to their satellites or hack them
- If you lose a station, there's a chance an allied or neutral faction will contact you and offer to retrieve the same station for a certain amount of credits
- If you lose a part of your fleet in a battle, there's a chance an allied or neutral faction will contact you and send you a certain amount of resources to compensate your loss
- Factions will react if you build Proxima shipyard
- Factions will react if you start Proxima research
- Factions will react if you end Proxima research
- Factions will react if you make a planetary assault
These changes work for all the save games, except the ones that are currently tied to the story campaign. This content is locked for them because it would directly affect the game and game's story.
The rest
- Wormhole civilian tasks are improved on align change
- Scrolling with the controller on Info menu list is now available
- RECORDS Bonuses can now be scrolled with the controller
- Improved font readability in certain cases (better kerning)
- SHIPBUILDING interface button is disabled until you obtain a Hangar Level 1 in HQ, with an explanation why it is disabled
- Press View button on the controller to reveal hints on Starchart
- Hint for Command Points on Starchart
- Hint for SuperCapital Ship on Starchart
- Hint for Civilian tasks on Starchart
- NEW GAME Story Campaign and FREEROAM modes are now separated, if you're playing Vanilla game or any DLC, except Cycle of
- Hints for FOW, Camera and Select modes on small HUD icons added (previously available only on the mouse)
- Hint on Trader menu for Double-click and Shift-click options added
- Hint on a station; it says Toggle Station Interface instead of Toggle Station HUD
- Fixed and re-added troopers menu
- Fixed GPU related causes of crashes, especially on weaker GPUs
- Fixed one small memory leak
- Fixed a cause of performance drain in script system affecting long play sessions
- Fixed several minor visual glitches
- Fixed several Mod problems + improved output warnings and errors caused by mods
- Rise of Numibia DLC has received a German, Russian, Chinese and French localization
- German dialogues (vanilla) have been fixed
- Chinese localization has been overhauled
- Japanese localization in form of a mod for vanilla version of the game
Patch 1.923 (2nd March 2018)
- Nebulae entries for Concordia/Numibia starts resolved.
- Text typos fixed
- Fleet templates fixed. Asteria has appeared instead of Koenos MKI and MKII. That won't happen anymore.
- Numibia ship stats improved
- Junkyard tasks in Numibia scenario are now fixed
- Additional character added to character selection screen for Numibia scenario
- Numibian Aranos ship shield has been fixed
- Cameras on Aranos and Tantas are now fixed
- Planetary assault wormholes are correctly set under the player faction
- Retroactive fix: All wormholes that have not been set to player faction will be set to player faction following savegame load.
- Numibia ships stats tweaked
Patch 1.630.1 (11 December 2017)
- We have fixed the problem related to global ships losing their proper positions when you moved too far. This could have influenced stability of missions and other game mechanics.
- Side mission now properly re-spawns the Artifact if it was influenced by the bug above.
- In Titans DLC mission 6 - Zaldur's Wrath ships affected by the position bug should now be at the proper location when you return to the battle. Additionally, some changes were made to accommodate the case when you leave the area.
- In Cycle of Warfare DLC challenge mode Ashriari fleet ships now have properly equipped weapons, change is global and will apply to the already built ships.
- Some of the Ashriari ships had the wrong stats, this is fixed, in addition: battery recharge rate for frigate and destroyer were tweaked.
- Razer ChromaLink now fully supported!
Patch 1.410 (13 October 2017)
Following your inputs and complaints, as well as thanks to our own digging through the code, the team has pushed a new update which brings the following:
- The player's fleets will now courageously follow their glorious leader through TGates and wormholes again;
- Concordia station will no longer show faulty signs of construction levels on the starchart;
- Several escort missions received an important performance boost;
- Fixed research notification problems;
- Fixed mines damage application on veteran freelance mission;
- Removed misplaced scenery from several new games;
- Prevented boarding on freelance mission structures that caused crashing;
- Fixed heavy weapon blast radius description;
- Improved descriptions for light weapons.
As always, if you notice any issues with the game, problems with the stability and crashing, please follow these steps:
If you're unable to identify your problem on the forum, send us an email at customersupport at starpointgemini dot com
Patch 1.200.0 (21 July 2017)
- Added a CLOSE button on the Starchart
- Holding Backspace on the keyboard will now delete characters over time.
- Missiles will now permanently loose their target once it becomes cloaked. This is to offset the shortened cloaking times.
- Fixed an error (tied to the Prologue) appearing for Freelance missions when taking too many of them.
- Fixed a potential memory corruption issue related to T-Drive and the Jobs Board. Will require modders to update their WorldReadyForUse.sal
- Fixed a bug where you wouldn't be able to click "Continue" after a certain scene with Emmerix
- Fixed some issues with fleet formations.
- Fixed several problems which caused lights on ships to keep glowing even when cloaked.
- Fixed additional problems with labels displaying commas within negative 3 digit numbers
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to convert credits into materials by scuttling Warmasters.
- Fixed a bug where equipment wouldn't be properly added to designated slots upon being purchased.
- Fixed an "overlapping panels" issue when contacting ambassadors over a paused starchart
- Fixed an issue where Material and Gas yields wouldn't match between the Starchart and the information popup panel on the HUD
- Fixed a bug where overflowing damage from certain skills such as Expose and Cloak wouldn't transfer over from the shield to the hull.
- Fixed several bugs on Warmaster quests.
- Fixed a bug that caused the weapon range of heavy weapons to be displayed improperly.
- Fixed: Giving the go-to command towards allied or neutral fleets now actually works
- Fixed an issue where under certain window configurations "alt-tabing" caused the game window to freeze.
- Fixed a bug that caused cooldown numbers on equipment to be incorrectly colored.
- Numerous scripting fixes.
Patch 1.100.0 (10 June 2017)
- Added the Bounties system
- The Personal Logs has a new tab called "Bounties" where you can read more about each target.
- The key is to see in which region a bounty target is active.
- Get in that region and look for the bounty's lackeys. They belong to a special faction called "Liberated".
- Beating the lackeys into a pulp will reveal the hiding location of their "boss".
- Kick the boss in the proverbial behind and claim the reward.
- Added full support for additional downloadable content (the technical bits work similar to mods).
- Added the DLC section to the game launcher.
- Added a couple of new player portraits (both male and female).
- Carriers buffed to make them more usable.
- Fixed an error related to fighter wings not being properly read from ship template files.
- Your fleet will no longer jump in to help you out while you're fighting in the Gladiatrix arenas.
- Long news titles (two lines) are now properly centered on their corresponding list items.
- Fixed a couple of faulty enhancement bonuses that reduced instead of increased some light weapon stats.
- Fixed an error that would manifest on the Skills/Perks panel when using gamepads.
- Pressing the Esc button on the Customization screen now asks whether to save the changes or not (if any change was made).
- In some cases, the game could get confused and switch to the Drydock panel from the System / Equipment trader. This no longer happens.
- Damage to Veteran bonus is now named Damage to Warmasters.
- Fixed an error that would make the game launcher log grow in size indefinitely. It didn't get properly purged of data.
- Opening the Personal log screen automatically switches to the Bounties tab.
- In some cases, news text was cut off. This no longer happens.
- Several changes done to better support Xbox 360 controller
- Added an alternative camera movement mode
- Switch to the mode via the checkbox in the Tools panel.
- Rotate the camera around the focus with the middle mouse button.
- Move the camera using W-S-A-D or the arrow keys.
- Move the up/down using R/F or PageUp/PageDown.
- Roll the camera using Q/E.
- To speed up movement, press and hold the Shift key.
- To slow down movement, press and hold the Tab key.
- When clicking on the Editor screen while a dropdown menu is open, the dropdown will automatically close.
- Drag and drop a texture file into the Editor screen to reload it in memory. Makes iterations quicker.
- Removed a number of redundant options. They weren't real options, just dead pixels.
- Updated the Tutorials link.
- Repositioning particles, turrets and meshes no longer repositions the main light source.
- Deleting an assembly object now works as intended and will no longer cause the Editor to crash somewhere down the line.
- Fixed a couple of minor errors related to the Ship turret parameters panel.
Patch 1.050.0 (10 June 2017)
- While a T-Gate repair civilian task is being conducted, you're no longer presented with a weird out-of-place text saying Insufficient resources.
- Changed bonus descriptions for Industrial stations.
- Changed the bonus description of Edea Facility.
- Added a Fighter wing indicator on the right of the screen.
- A small icon appears to the right while fighters are on a mission
- Fighter status is also represented by this icon(s).
- Fixed an error that would make it impossible to initiate a T-Gate repair task in some cases.
- Fixed a couple of minor errors related to landmark structure hints and descriptions.
- After loading a game, your waypoint will be properly marked in the viewport.
- Improved the info you get when scanning a ship (more info is displayed).
- It is no longer possible to use the Starchart via shortcuts while a dialogue panel is open.
- Changed storyline level requirements.
- Fixed a number of typos in the English text files. Another thanks goes to Misunderstood Wookie!
- When editing a text (naming your captain for example), press + hold of the backspace now works as it does in any other Windows program.
- Done a number of tweaks and improvements on various game panels.
- Systems and Equipment tabs are moved from the Drydock to the Trader window.
- Added a number of hints on various panels.
- Errors are now displayed in the main editor viewport. At the bottom.
- Turrets show is now set to true by default when accessing the Ship editor.
- When opening a ship file, you're no longer presented with the Exemplar turret setup by default.
- Fixed a number of input related errors that manifested in the editor remembering keys that were pressed before a control was in focus.
- Added buttons to make it easier to add and/or remove elements from various editor lists (turrets, particles, meshes...)
- Tweaked light movement so it is linked to camera distance to object in the editor. Just a tiny quality of life improvement.
- Editor input now accepts numpad keys.
- The Editor no longer accepts mouse / keyboard input while it is not in focus.
- Newly added beams and particles are initiated with some base parameters so they're easily visible from the get-go.
- Fixed an error related to Particle force. When there were more than one, changing one Particle force no longer affects the other(s).
- When switching back from the Model properties window to the Assembly window, the mesh you've edited is automatically selected.
- Added a small hint window to display basic Editor controls.
- Did a few visual tweaks to make parameters more readable.
- Double-clicking on an element in the Assembly list now automatically opens up the
Patch 1.040.1 (07 June 2017)
Patch 1.040.0 (06 June 2017)
- Fixed an issue where several ships would be colorized wrongly and they would follow you around.
- Ben'Sara is now level 8 on mission 04, instead of 12.
- After scanning a wormhole, a nice little message will appear to let you know what you've done.
- Planetary assault tweaked.
- Difficulty now works as intended.
- Planetary assaults on Extreme difficulty are now much harder.
- Added info on what an AI ship is doing on the target lock.
- Ship familiarity prerequisite ranks are now leveled with the Ship class requirements.
- Added hints to the Quick info panel.
- Added ship name to the Quick info panel.
- Added the Marked icon on the target lock.
- Shuffled several Ship panels around and grouped them together
- The new Inventory button now groups Ship systems, Items and Commodities "sub-panels".
- Fixed a couple of minor glitches related to the structure tier markers on the Starchart.
- The Cloak skill now displays the damage parameter.
- Maneuverability-related bonuses now work as intended.
- Fixed several instances where the wrong portrait and name was being displayed instead of the player's.
- Added several distinct HUD icons for battles depending on what type of battle it is (fleet, garrison, station, planetary assault).
- Fixed a couple of glitches related to objects being marked in the viewport, but not on the radar.
- You should no longer be able to hear a looping voice line in the Timed delivery freelance job.
- Fixed an error where retreating a fleet from a battle worked wonky. Basically a fleet wanted to retreat to the nearest guardpost... even if it was the guardpost currently under attack.
- Tweaked the Equipment panel to make it more readable and user-friendly.
- Tweaked a bunch of different game panels (alignment, colorizing...).
- Fixed an error related to scuttling a fleet and pressing the Esc button that would manifest as a weird overlay across the screen.
- Fixed a couple of glitches related to the Distress call encounter quest that could go all nuts if you started boarding encounter ships.
- Fixed a number of smaller glitches and script errors
Patch 1.030.0 (02 June 2017)
- Done some changes to the text files and how some text lines are fetched
- faction descriptions switched from descriptions.txt to logs.txt to remove duplicates
- ship descriptions switched from descriptions.txt to logs.txt to remove duplicates
- ship description KN is now referenced in the .shp file (until now the description was referenced automatically by the ship's keyname)
- if no ship description is available (description set to the default 1005 value, default text is shown (No data available)
- Done some changes to the Geminipedia scripts:
- to display a Geminipedia entry for a ship, the ship has to be manually added to the AddEntry script. This is to prevent errors from being logged needlessly.
- to display an Anomaly entry, the anomaly has to be manually added to the AddEntryscript.
- to display an Asteroid field entry, the asteroid field has to be manually added to the AddEntry script.
- to display a faction entry, the faction has to be manually added to the AddEntry script.
- to display a planet entry, the planet has to be manually added to the AddEntry script.
- to display a region entry, the region has to be manually added to the AddEntry script.
- Optimized script loading to increase performance, but also prevent potential bugs.
- Added a new option in the settings
- Skip dock - set to true to never ever again see a docking or landing cutscene.
- Fixed a glitch where the wrong reason for being unable to board structures was being displayed.
- The final waypoint in a waypoint chain (starchart) is now properly updated if the target changes its position (merging with a fleet in motion)
- Fixed a text formatting error that would add a colon where it shouldn't (-,400).
- Fixed several errors in the Customization panel when using the controller.
- If you have the UI disabled (F11), the game can no longer freeze up when a dialogue pops up. The interface is automatically reinitialized.
- Being hit with a heavy weapon no longer deactivates cloak.
- You're no longer stalked by an anomaly while docked if there was an anomaly near you when you initiated docking.
- New game files from mods are now properly loaded and shown.
- The loot panel now uses the proper icon size.
- Adhara, Apollo and Poseidon are now available for purchase on the New Sagittarius station, near planet Hogosha.
- Fixed a glitch with several menu bottons having their icons colorized with the wrong tint.
- Fixed an error that would make the Proxima fall into enemy hands.
- Giving the GoTo command on the un-paused Starchart, in some instances meant the auto-pilot won't properly set power distribution to the engines. Now it does.
- Rebuilding warmasters no longer costs Materials, but the Credits cost was increased!
- Proxima is now calculated into the battle power only after it arrives.
- In some cases, trading in a captured ship for materials, yielded no materials. This can no longer happen.
- The Convoy defense mission can no longer break down if the last ship is captured.
- Added fullscreen support for the custom movie panel on 4K resolution.
- In theory, your ship's name could be too long. This is no limited during naming.
- Corrected a number of text errors in both the English and the German versions.